Monday 25 May 2009

Another Manic Monday

If only... there is only one thing worse than a Manic Monday, and that is the Manicly Monotonous Monday.  Can't go home because then it appears like you have no drive, can't work on anything as all your wonderfully happy clients are all satisfied and don't need any work done currently, so you sit... and you sit... and you sit.  Have you ever counted how many times you can actually make that walk to the coffee machine for more coffee? Let me tell you, those 37.5 trips help, really they do.  There is only so much news you can read, blogs you can browse and coffee cups you can dirty.   I mean I think one day I should be able to sue my company for the lung cancer they are giving me with this insane boredom from which I suffer... I only think it's right.
Time now for my 300th cigarette, then perhaps time for a quick exit out the back door is in order...  

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