Saturday 13 March 2010

Fuck Normal

A time comes when in everyone’s life when you need to take a head count. Take a step back and take a look at this circus we call our lives. Where am I going? Where did I come from? And where am I now? Am I still the ringmaster of this sensationalistic life I lead?

I remember the years, barely 17. So independent. My thoughts so clear, so virgin. Not yet raped by this dirty, and perverted world, filled with its fatalistic views. This world, where it’s hard to find a fridge large enough to stop our dreams from expiring. I jumped into this harsh wasteland, no pushing necessary, and told myself to man up and become the person I could see in my head. That this was the only way to do it. I always did love to punish myself.

Funny thing is, looking back, I loved those years. They were filled with days of hunger, both mental and physical, but mostly mental. I yearned for knowledge, and grasped at every measly scrap offered to me. I would guzzle it up, not leaving a morsel on the proverbial plate, wiping my mouth politely while with the other hand holding out my bowl for more.

Over the years it is an immense struggle to fight off the starving pack of dream leaches and soothsayers, who yearn for nothing other than to rip your dreams to shreds and keep you down with them, with the downtrodden and lackluster hordes, whose dreams already lay discarded, in ruins. Such an easy thing to do, they make you feel… at home… normal… whatever normal is. Fuck normal. I don’t want to be another brick in the wall.

I want to be great, so I have fought my way through. Held onto my ideals and crazy thoughts. These crazy thoughts are mine damnit and I take FULL ownership. I hold onto them with BOTH hands and relish in how they squirm and make themselves at home in my arms. So again I say FUCK NORMAL. I like who I am. I like the way I see the world. I like where I am and where I am going. No. Not Like… so … non-descript. I LOVE my life. I LOVE who I am, where I am and where I am headed. Fuck Yeah. I love my life, and wear my scars with pride.

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